10 years
He asked me: why after 10 years?
The only thing I could think was: “it was not our time”.
Although the truth also I thought that at 18 years old he may not have liked it, maybe the marked difference in age made me look like a complete girl next to him.
Why after 10 years?
I supposed if he had entered my life, at puberty , I would not have known how to react, how to fit into his world, to want to run, when I was just beginning to walk.
Why after 10 years?
I guess God thought it perfectly. He was not of a long term, he was only from a small dwelling. Of a stay that I hoped was eternal, but ended in the twilight.
Why after 10 years?
I suppose also that it was so that in only 5 days, I could enjoy adulthood, all that he gave me. I guess also, that the curves of my hips, fit better in his hands at this time, his lips made better click with mine, being completely wet.
Why after 10 years?
To live a life with someone else and I lived my life with others … a decade is counted on all fingers.
Because after 10 years, my heart beat like I was a teenager … yes, my heart beat, like 10 years ago.